Travel Planner

A moderate 45 minute trek up from Matial through - large conifers, thick oaks, luscious rhododendrons, a stray horse chestnut, laden peaches, plums and apple trees lining the path...

Unless you are a fitness buff, after a point the heart pounds, the cheeks are aflame and your breath comes in short harsh gasps – the invigorating walk up to Chestnut House is something memories are made of...

Parking the car at a village (Matial) along the main road and walking up to a quaint peaceful destination crossing seasonal waterfalls, maybe chancing upon a grumpy porcupine or a snuffling, greedy wild boar along the path gives our travellers many holiday stories to take back home. A rosy cheeked village kid or a hardy gentle yokel may cross your path, normally what happens is that one follow the guide upto the house in awed silence, overwhelmed by the landscape all around. a few of us just need to concentrate on keeping our breath and foot step steady.

The guides will carry all your luggage up and give you a break half way up, with tea from a flask or nimbu pani, while you catch your breathe!


Hike up to Jilling from Matial village

This video is about Matial to Jilling Hike

Travel Planning Infographic for Jilling

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Team Jilling Terraces


He is the 'go-to' man for everything at Jilling Terraces. Besides being the handy man, he is a natural born conservationist and conversationist - his knowledge of flora and fauna, wildlife and weather of the area is enviable.


She will be your host at Chestnut House, making sure everything is how it should be. Recommend chatting with Bimla to understand local culture and rituals, festivals and celebrations.  

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